Rabu, 30 Mei 2012



(Guest go to bell captain desk)
Bell Captain    : Good morning madam, may I help you?
Guest               : I’m leaving now, could you send bell boy to pick up my luggage?
Bell Captain    : certainly madam. May I have you name?
Guest               : Shandy. Tri Shandy
Bell Captain    :And you room number Miss Shandy?
Guest               : 305
Bell Captain    : How many pieces do you have?
Guest               : three pieces all together
Bell Captain    : Should I send the bell boy right now, miss shandy?
Guest               : yes please.
Bell Captain    :Excusme Ms. Shandy. Do you have transportation to pick up to the
Guest               : Not Yet.
Bell Captain    : Ms shandy. We have taxi with air conditioning with out air conditioning, which one do you like?
Guest               : with air condition.
Bell Captain    :We will charge you USD 15,00
Guest               : Thank you.
Bell Captain    : You’re welcome.

(The guest comes back to his room, Bell captain call the bell boy)

Bell Captain    : Bell Boy please….
Bell Boy          : Ms shandy is leaving now, could you pick her luggage at room 305. She have 3 pieces of luggage.
Bell Boy          : yes sure.

(Bell Boy gets Bell Boy errand card from Bell captain and then goes to Ms.Shandy’s room)
Bell Boy          :*knocking the door 3 times* Good Morning Ms. Shandy.. are you ready with your luggage?
Guest               : Yes Here.
Bell Boy          : I would like to check your room, Ms Shandy. May be you left something.
Guest               :Yes, Please.

(Bell Boy Check the room)
Bell Boy          : Ms Shandy. May I have your room key?
Guest               : yes.
Bell Boy          : Thank you. See you at lobby.
Guest               : You’re welcome.

(Bell Boy come to F.O Cashier)
Bell Boy          : Has Ms. Tri Shandy paid her bill?
F.O Cashier     : No,she didn’t paid yet.

(Bell Boy meets the guest and showing the F.O Cashier office)
Bell Boy          : Ms. Shandy. Would you like to see the F.O Cashier,please.
Guest               : Yes. Thank you.

(Guest come to F.O Cashier office)
F.O Cashier     : Good Morning Madam.
Guest               : Yes, I want to pay my bill.
F.O Cashier     : May I have your name please?
Guest               : My name is Tri Shandy.
F.O Cashier     : and your room number?
Guest               : 305
F.O Cashier     : just moment please.

( F.O Cashier check the bill)
Ms. Shandy, this is you bill. We will charge you USD. 560.
Would you like to check you bill,please?
Guest               : Yes ,thank you ( the guest check the bill )
That’s right .
F.O Cashier     : How will you settle your bill , Ms.Sandy ?
Guest               : I want to pay it in credit card .
F.O Cashier     :What kind of card have you got ?
Guest               : I have Visa .
F.O Cashier     : I’m sorry Miss. We only accept American Express or Dinner cart.
Guest               :That’s fine . I have an American Express Card too ,please ?
F.O Cashier     : Your passport perhaps?
Guest               : Of course . Here you are .
F.O Cashier     : Could you sign here please , Miss Sandy ?

(after the guest finish sign the bill )
Ms.Shandy this is your bill and thank you for staying with us and I hope you
come to Bali again and don’t forget to stay with us .Have a nice strip Ms.Tri
Guest               :Thank you
F.O Cashier     : You’re welcome

(After the guest finish , Bell Boy comes to the guest )
Bell Boy          :Are you ready to go now Ms.Sandhy ?
Guest               : Yes I’m ready .

(The bell boy takes all luggages and walk together with Ms.Sandhy to the main entrance )
Bell Boy          : We have got 2 pieces of your luggages ,would you like to check it please ?
Guest               :Yes,that’s right .

(The taxi is coming )
(Bell Boy puts the luggage in the taxi very carefully and after that comes back to the guest for saying good bye )

Bell Boy          :Well Ms.Sandhy , we hope you will have a nice trip and thank you for staying with us and if you come to Bali again ,don’t forget to stay in our hotel .
Guest               : Yes,of course
Bell Boy          :Good bye Ms. Sandhy .


• Ni Luh Pt Enny Synthia Dewi (05)
• I A Gd Intan Purwani (06)
• Ni Komang Tri Ari Sandhy (29)


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